Site June 2008

Site June 2008

Location and preparation of access road construction, November 2008

Access road under construction, November 2008

Access road under construction, November 2008

Access ramp location into creek channel before construction, November 2008

Access ramp construction, November 2008

Completed access ramp, November 2008

Site de-watering system (coffer dam) within channel, November 2008

Site de-watering system (coffer dam) within outfall structure, November 2008

Settling pond for de-watering system,
November 2008

Sediment barriers, combination of straw bales and silt fencing

Re-grading bank on south side of channel,
November 2008

Hauling away excess fill material

Excavation up stream and adjacent to outfall outlet

South side of channel excavation/re-grading

South side of channel excavation / re-grading

South side of channel geotextile and riprap placement

Unloading riprap within key of channel

Riprap placement south side of channel

Unloading riprap north side of channel

Riprap placement, south side of channel

Re-grading slope, north side of channel,
December 2008
Re-grading slope, north side of channel,
December 2008
Geotextile placement, north side of channel

Completed south side, north side under construction

Transport of riprap into the ravine using constructed access ramp

Unloading riprap

Riprap placement north side

Riprap placement north side

Root wad placement within channel

Removal of temporary access ramp

Access ramp removed, construction completed

Construction completed

Construction completed

Construction completed (photo: Trisha Boorman)

As built plan view of completed work

View of North Saskatchewan River from the mouth of Wolf Willow Creek Ravine, December 2008


Copyright © 2010
Terra Erosion Control Ltd.
Storm Water Outfall Rehabilitation