Terra Erosion Control
Terra Erosion Control is
a Canadian environmental service company established in 1996,
formerly a build and design firm, now focusing on consulting and specializing in the field of biotechnical slope stabilization
/ soil and ground bioengineering solutions to erosion and sediment control,
riparian restoration, storm water outfall protection, mining
and industrial reclamation.
We offer:
Soil and Ground Bioengineering Consulting Services
Working in conjunction with engineering consulting firms, municipal and industrial clients and community groups to develop the following:
- Conceptual Approaches
- Preliminary Design
- Final Design
- Specifications for Implementation and Tenders
- Order of Magnitude Cost Estimating
- Construction Supervision
Applicable to:
- Erosion control plans
- Biotechnical slope stabilization
- Soil, ground and water bioengineering
- Control accelerated erosion while re-establishing native vegetation and surface hydrology
- Cost-effective treatment of landslides, roadside failures and eroded stream banks that can be combined with conventional engineering
- Treatments that get stronger with time, and reduce risks while creating an aesthetically pleasing hillside, streambank and fish and wildlife habitat
- Live sediment traps, sedimentation ponds, live check dams and turbidity curtains to control and reduce sediment delivery to water bodies and improve water quality
"Publications and Events"
>>Les phytotechnologies pour la stabilisation des berges / Le Devoir, les Samedi 15 et Dimanche 16 Octobre 2016 / Jardins
>>Colloque / Développement des phytotechnologies pour la stabilisation de berges de rivières au Québec Mercredi 5, Octobre 2016 - Université Laval
>>Elk River FLOOD SOLUTIONS STRATEGY Soil Bioengineering for Streambank, Slope and Riparian Site Rehabilitation Workshop and Field School May 5 and 6, 2016
College of the Rockies - Fernie Campus See Press Release
>>Course on Bioengineering in a Stream Environment / ALIDP / Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership and the City of Calgary present "Designing for Tomorrow 2015, the 15th Annual Stormwater Management Courses" March 17 to 20, 2015, Carriage House Inn, Calgary, AB
>>Sciences Eaux & Territoires (La revue d`Irstea), Article hors-série numéro 19 - 2015, "Quelles techniques pour végétaliser des enrochements de berges de cours d`eau?"
>>Ecological mitigation of hillslope instability: ten key issues facing researchers and practitioners, published online March 11, 2014 by Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
>>Génie Végétal en rivière de montagne, Connaissances et retours d’expériences sur l’utilisation d’espèces et de techniques végétales: végétalisation de berges et ouvrages bois, Le projet Interreg IV A Génie`Alp France, Suisse 2007- 2013
>>Compost and Compost Tea Course, May 2010
>>Soil Bioengineering: Kathmandu,
Nepal, February 2009
Slope Stabilization
Restoration of landslides and unstable
cut slopes can provide significant challenges. 
Introduction to slope stabilization |
Riparian Restoration
Protection of stream bank erosion
while establishing and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat.
>> Introduction to riparian restoration |
Sediment Control and Traps
Sediment control such as coffer dams, turbidity curtains, sediment traps and settling ponds, if designed, constructed, and maintained correctly, can be a significant sediment control attribute to projects.
>> Introduction to sediment control |
Industrial and Mining Reclamation
of way corridors and mining dumps can present significant
challenges with controlling soil
erosion and vegetation establishment.
Introduction to industrial and mining reclamation |
"Innovative Techniques Showcase"
techniques can provide protection of
banks, surface drainage and replenishment
soil microorganisms while creating habitat.
>> Introduction to innovative
techniques |
Featured Projects
This project, completed in the fall of 2013, was aimed at replacing the existing stormwater outfall and rehabilitating 60 linear metres of eroded streambank on both the west and east sides of Whitemud Creek. This high profile site is located within the Rainbow Valley Park and is used daily by the public for hiking, cycling, camping and skiing in the winter.
Soil and ground bioengineering techniques such as vegetated riprap and vegetated soil wraps were used to create fish, wildlife and urban habitat while protecting the streambanks.
Video produced by Jared Eglinski.
The objective of this project was to establish vegetation on the hillside and adjacent riverbank below the lead-zinc smelter in order to reduce/control soil erosion and improve visual, wildlife and fish habitat values.

Riverbank and hillside adjacent to the Teck Cominco lead-zinc smelter and the Columbia River in Trail, BC.